tisdag 23 mars 2010


Dreamt I made a huge lunch for a group of people who had come for my friend's wedding the day before. I do not remember much of the wedding but I remember that my friend was very drunk and I was helping her adjust her wedding gown and making sure she was dressed properly. I remember also thinking that her bride's maid sucked seriously at her duty. It was a very rowdy wedding and everybody was drunk. Anyway, so now it was lunch, the next day and I made the lunch. Chicken and something. The group pf people were obviously "our" friends, ( but in real life, I really do not know any of them. They are people I have only seen on TV, artists, writers, actors, etc. Tv people). They complimented me on my cooking. Someone said the only thing missing in the chicken was "basil". Then we all went down to the shop, supposedly to buy more alcohol. The shop was not yet opened.

While we stood outside, my friend, (the bride), met us up with another group of people. Then we all started walking somewhere. I have no idea where they were going. I and the bride thought we were off to get ice cream but when we turned the corner to the ice cream shop, they were not in there. They just kept walking. The large group was walking in front of us, and I was behind, with the bride. We were walking fast but the group in front were a rowdy bunch and walked even faster. We had no idea where they were going.

I woke up by myself.

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