onsdag 27 januari 2010

27th January 2010

I did not remember much today even though I know I dreamt about lots of stuff. I only remembered the ending....but I was not unhappy or sad so I don't think it was a bad dream.

I tell a co worker of mine that I really enjoyed the club we had all gone to ( one of our colluegues had recently quit and we had a send off party/drinking at that particular club in real life) some time a go. He says in that case, I should get ready cos he will take me there next saturday by 9'oclock.

Then I woke up. Nothing woke me up. I woke up by myself.

In real life, that particular co-worker is a friend and we recently went to the movies together and had a very nice evening.

1 kommentar:

  1. Ok, This is not scary.
    Probably arises from your normal everyday relations with the colleague...
